To begin with, we would like you to meet our neighbors:

Actually, yesterday there was a sighting of "Bob" with some pants on as he ran his weed-eater in his yard. You know something is wrong when you do a double take because an old man has pants on.
Meet one of the pets that we have collected:

This is TP. We found him in the bathroom. We named him after his favorite mode of transportation as we dispatched him to heaven through the aid of St. John. We thought he would be better off there rather than in our house.

We have another friend we have affectionately nick-named Grinder. We have not actually sighted this little guy. But, he has ways of letting us know that he is around and making sure we don't miss him. First, he shredded the filter that goes to my wheat grinder, guess I shouldn't have left the flour in there. Not only was the filter shredded, the wheat grinder bore unmistakable signs of rodent curiosity (little yellow spots, etc, etc.). His main calling card has been "little presents." He has hit my pajama pants, my sock drawer, and my least favorite, the dish-drying rack. We, in turn, have left a few house warming presents for him. He disappeared, hope we weren't too hard on him.