08 March, 2008

WRX Snowboarding

Erin & I have been snowboarding lately & I thought this was pretty awesome. Check it out.

07 March, 2008

The short, but not so long of it

Okay, so I'm going to start my update of my life by recapping the last 2 months. Then eventually I'll have some postings of the past 4 years to catch up some of my friends who I haven't kept in touch with well. I know that you probably think "what's the point?" Well, I like to think that some of you actually give a crap about what's been going on with me. So here's to being optimistic.

So this year so far...

As many or none of you know, I'm studying Electrical Engineering at BYU. I've been studying 11+ hrs during the weekdays and 4+ hrs every Saturday. Oh, I've been sleeping and eating in between. Now I know many of you are thinking "so what? I plug in tons more hours. " Well, I'm new to this study your life away thing, and I'm only taking 13 credits. Now I know what you ALL are thinking. "Wow Joe, I didn't realize you were such a moron." Well, neither did I. Although I should have seen it coming.

I will say that despite my many many flaws Erin still seems to think that I'm a good husband and that I have many redeeming qualities. Bless her heart. She's been pretty busy lately with conferences and parent meetings and faculty meetings that it surprises me sometimes how she turns to me at night and tells me how big of a slacker she is or that she doesn't get enough done. I don't think I'll ever get it.

I guess that's all for now. School is one long set of sprints, Erin is pluggin away teaching speech therapy, & life is pretty good.

04 March, 2008

Back from "a long time ago in a galaxy far away..."

Okay, so I started this thing a long time ago since I was planning to be sitting in front of a computer for extended periods of time. So logically, if I was sitting in front of a computer for extended periods of time, I should have been able to update this bad mamma jamma on a regular basis. So as you all can see that didn't really work out the way I planned it did it?

Well since I am now in labs with computers & work with computers, I should be able to keep this blog relatively up-to-date. We're supposed to walk with a perfect brightness of hope right? Round one kicked my chimacian booty, but round two is almost ready to ring in. Are you ready? Am I ready? Eh. Here goes nothing!