30 November, 2008

Some Thoughts for the Season

The last few weeks have provided ample time for reflection. Who can ignore the holiday season, even more so when your Thanksgiving break is spent around the hospital bed of someone who has made such an impact on your life. Two weeks ago today my little sister Brooke had to go into the hospital. She has had recurring bouts of intestinal trouble that were dire enough this time to result in being flown to Phoenix, dealing with acute kidney failure, a 4 hour long emergency surgery that took most of her small intestine, and 2 weeks on a ventilator. It is times like this that perspective comes to you a little clearer. I am grateful to report that as of today, Brooke is off the ventilator and holding her own. She has an uphill battle in front of her, but things are looking a little brighter.

This and a few other circumstances have me reflecting on how focused our society can be on ourselves. So much so that we often miss each other. Have you noticed how everything seems more dramatic when it happens to you? I have so many things to do. I am so stressed out. I have so many demands on my time. I have to . . . I, I, I.

Joe and I attended Sacrament Meeting at a church near the hospital last week and was greeted by a smiling, friendly, humble man handing out programs. I had never met the man before, but could tell that he had had some challenges in life. I watched his face as he welcomed everyone who walked in that door. To us who were visiting, it was very comforting. However, as the meeting started there were a few people remaining who hadn't taken their seats. Two women in particular walked into the meeting hall. This gentleman donned his smile and quickly stood with his hand out reached to greet them and share a program. The two women didn't even notice the man, and quickly walked by leaving him standing there with his hand outstretched.

How often do we become so wrapped up in our own world that we fail to notice those around us?

My challenge to myself and you this Christmas season is to take some time to really see those that are around you. Then reach out to them. Maybe just with a smile and a hello, a handshake or a hug, ask "How are you?" and really want to know the answer. It is this kind of reaching out that generates the love that Christ come to this earth to teach us about.

Have a great Holiday Season.

05 October, 2008

Shim: The Next Generation

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the culture of Shim, there are a few things you should know:

1. Food is good
2. Food is better with friends
3. It is shameful to not have enough food

In an attempt to properly transmit the culture of Shim, we recently gathered with a group of friends (2) to enjoy each others company and sustenance (1). The following picture can verify that we have also taken hold of principle number (3). Do you think we have enough for 10 people?

It was especially enjoyable to have this event spear-headed by the special weekend appearance of Mattie and Allie. The only thing that could have made it better if we had been joined by Chris and Erin.

We enjoyed the cuisines of the world with Jamaican Curry Chicken, an authentic Swedish appetizer, and of course, Betty Crocker’s wonderful brownies.

Lest it be said that we are strickly gatherers for laughter and riotous living, Matt Manwaring unfolded to us the mysteries of the universe

But, as that quickly became a much too heavy subject for us, we returned to riotous living and dedicated the remainder of the evening to a Fuzion Frenzy fest.

04 October, 2008

Please bear with us . . .

After being called to repentance from several friends for our serious lack of bloggage lately (or at all), we have turned from our old ways, but in order to catch up, things may not exactly be in chronological order. (They may be slightly reminiscent of our good friend K Stone).

08 March, 2008

WRX Snowboarding

Erin & I have been snowboarding lately & I thought this was pretty awesome. Check it out.

07 March, 2008

The short, but not so long of it

Okay, so I'm going to start my update of my life by recapping the last 2 months. Then eventually I'll have some postings of the past 4 years to catch up some of my friends who I haven't kept in touch with well. I know that you probably think "what's the point?" Well, I like to think that some of you actually give a crap about what's been going on with me. So here's to being optimistic.

So this year so far...

As many or none of you know, I'm studying Electrical Engineering at BYU. I've been studying 11+ hrs during the weekdays and 4+ hrs every Saturday. Oh, I've been sleeping and eating in between. Now I know many of you are thinking "so what? I plug in tons more hours. " Well, I'm new to this study your life away thing, and I'm only taking 13 credits. Now I know what you ALL are thinking. "Wow Joe, I didn't realize you were such a moron." Well, neither did I. Although I should have seen it coming.

I will say that despite my many many flaws Erin still seems to think that I'm a good husband and that I have many redeeming qualities. Bless her heart. She's been pretty busy lately with conferences and parent meetings and faculty meetings that it surprises me sometimes how she turns to me at night and tells me how big of a slacker she is or that she doesn't get enough done. I don't think I'll ever get it.

I guess that's all for now. School is one long set of sprints, Erin is pluggin away teaching speech therapy, & life is pretty good.

04 March, 2008

Back from "a long time ago in a galaxy far away..."

Okay, so I started this thing a long time ago since I was planning to be sitting in front of a computer for extended periods of time. So logically, if I was sitting in front of a computer for extended periods of time, I should have been able to update this bad mamma jamma on a regular basis. So as you all can see that didn't really work out the way I planned it did it?

Well since I am now in labs with computers & work with computers, I should be able to keep this blog relatively up-to-date. We're supposed to walk with a perfect brightness of hope right? Round one kicked my chimacian booty, but round two is almost ready to ring in. Are you ready? Am I ready? Eh. Here goes nothing!